The Blossom Bird

The Blossom Bird

Have you ever wondered where this bird comes from?

Once considered to be extinct, the Blossom Bird is a millennia old bird that only visits those with the perception to acknowledge the existence of alternate dimensions.  With talisman acquired and passed along through centuries of generations, the Blossom Bird possesses knowledge beyond what is attainable by most modern men.  
The Blossom Bird knows from experience.
It felt the vibrations when the universe uttered the initial OM.
It learned the secrets of the lotus in ancient India from Patanjali.
It carried them across the world in its medicine bag, dropping seeds in the minds of men from the greatest known civilizations.
It always keeps one eye looking back, making sure death or other evils are not chasing.
The Blossom Bird has a spectrum of colored feathers with a brilliant black body, the color beyond all colors, a combination encompassing everything that exists.